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Thursday, 19 January 2012

Preliminary Exercise Analysis and Evaluation.

Throughout the exercise we used a tripod, this enabled us to have a steady and flowing camera shot without any movement that would normally be present with handheld camera. With the use of the tripod we were able to easily track the motion of our characters.
We managed at at most times to get all that we wanted into the frame regardless of the fact that we did not have a wide angle lens nor unlimited space to shoot as we did shoot in a tight corridor with the tripod placed in the farthest corner. As there were many takes we were able to place each of our characters where we wanted and re-shoot if needs be if we were unhappy with the previous shot.
We were able to get all the footage that we wanted. This included all the different angles of the shot that we wanted. In each instance where necessary we collected footage for a match on action and over the shoulder shot etc. When we edited within SonyVegas Pro 11 with the footage we had we were able to match each of clips with its action counter part to perform an match on action cut. We had plenty of footage to work with as there were many takes that we had enabled us to create good cuts. There was no apparent editing faults that we had noticed and we worked thought this process swiftly and without any issues.
Problems that we have noticed after our final render, is that there was a slight quality loss from our raw footage to YouTube however this is to be expected when using a compression .WMV codec within Sony Vegas Pro 11. Additionally there were some audio errors such as low levels in areas resulting difficulty to hear.  

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